feedback & complaints
webpage updated: Mon 17 Feb 2025

If you have a complaint about us, we want to hear about it and we will do our best to put it right. We aim to deal with complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively, and ensure that all complaints are handled in a consistent manner. Strict confidentiality and proper discretion will be maintained, as far as is possible, to safeguard all parties. If you’d like to make a comment or complain about something you’re not happy with, please contact us:

By email:

By post:
Paraiso School of Samba
10 Chalcot Square

Complaints Procedure

Your complaint will be handled by a senior volunteer if it can be resolved quickly. Otherwise, it will be handled by a Company Officer (a Trustee or the Company Secretary).

We aim to respond to all complaints within ten working days of receiving them and our goal is to resolve the issue as quickly as we possibly can.
However, if further investigation is needed or your complaint is more complex, we will confirm that we’ve received your complaint and let you know the steps we’re taking to look into it further and the expected timescale.

Should your complaint require consideration by the Trustees - either because it is serious or because you have requested it - then this will be done at the next Trustees' Meeting. These meetings take place approximately every 3 months and, therefore, it may be several months before a complaint can be considered.

We’ll always anonymise your complaint if we do this, unless passing your personal details on is needed in order to resolve your complaint.

To help us to expedite consideration of your complaint, please:

- summarise your complaint in a few sentences (less than about 1000 characters);

- briefly describe your desired outcome;

- provide supporting details separately.

External points of escalation

If you’re not happy with our response there are external organisations you can contact.

The Charity Commission advice is here:

Complaint about Fundraising:

We are a charity and we fundraise in a responsible way. We promise to be honest, fair and open about our fundraising.

Contact the Fundraising Regulator about:
- the way you’ve been asked for donations
- how fundraisers have behaved

You can also complain on behalf of someone else.