Santos e Pecadores |
Saints and Sinners |
Autores: Claudinho Raiz / Niquinho Azevedo / Gilberto Gomes |
Translation: Richard Galbraith |
Quem vencerá |
Who will win |
A eterna luta do bem contra o mau |
The eternal struggle of good against evil |
Sete pecados capitais |
Seven deadly sins |
A Paraíso traz pra esse carnaval |
Paraiso brings to this carnival |
Na tentação da folia a luxuria se deu |
Yielding to the temptation of revelry and lust |
O equilibrio se perdeu |
The balance was lost |
Minha vaidade vai te encantar |
My vanity will enchant you |
E sua preguiça vou espantar |
And his sloth will amaze |
Cantar, sambar, sorrir |
To sing, to samba, to smile |
Festa profana pra gente se devertir |
Unholy party to amuse us |
refrão (bis) |
refrain (repeat) |
A comida tá na mesa |
The food at the table |
Só não vale exagerar |
Just not worth exaggerating |
Olha a gula e avareza |
Behold gluttony and greed |
Vamos compartilhar |
We will share |
Pra quem te fome qualquer prato é caviar |
For those who hunger, any dish is caviar |
Na soberba da humanidade, infelicidade |
With the pride of humanity, unhappiness |
Poder, ganância, corrupção |
Power, greed, corruption |
A ira se alastrando pelo chão |
Sprawling on the ground in a rage |
Hoje é pecado se drogar, poluir, devastar |
Today we sin, take drugs, pollute, destroy |
Até a injustiça social |
To social injustice |
Virou pecado capital |
Turned deadly sin |
De um lado riqueza, do outro pobreza |
On one side wealth, the other poverty |
Abortei, pequei |
I gave up, I sinned |
refrão (bis) |
refrain (repeat) |
Certo ou errado |
Right or wrong |
Santo ou pecador |
Saint or sinner |
Com a Paraíso eu vou |
With Paraíso I will |
em Notting Hill pra semear felicidade |
bring happiness to Notting Hill |
Ver alegria se espalhar pela cidade |
See joy spread through the city |
other Paraiso samba enredos
Mangueira - Building a community Kings and Queens The Caribbean - Islands of Paradise Milton Cunha: Carnival and Culture A fantastic journey to the world of Tea The Magic of the Theatre The London Olympics Ten years of Paraíso Heroes of Independence Rio de Janeiro, the Marvellous City Amazonia, Nature's Paradise The Fantastic World of Cinema Paraiso in Wonderland The Evolution of Paradise Venice to Rio to Paradise Brazil, Paradise of the Gods Paraiso is Samba, Samba is Paraisowhat's a samba enredo
A samba enredo is a samba theme song. Paraiso has a new song composed every year on the theme of the year's carnival.
more about 2015 carnival |